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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
1 gener 2016 |
The mathematics of compositional analysis |
Barceló i Vidal, Carles
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
Measurement Quality in Indicators of Compositions: a Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach |
Coenders, Germà
; Hlebec, Valentina
; Kogovsek, Tina
Measurement Quality in Indicators of Compositions: a Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach |
Coenders, Germà
; Hlebec, Valentina
; Kogovsek, Tina
1 juny 2018 |
Measurement Quality in Indicators of Compositions: a Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach |
5 juny 2018 |
Measurement Quality in Indicators of Compositions: a Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach |
Coenders, Germà
; Hlebec, Valentina
; Kogovsek, Tina
2011 |
Measurement Quality in Indicators of Compositions: a Compositional Multitrait-Multimethod Approach |
Coenders, Germà
; Hlebec, Valentina
; Kogovsek, Tina
2012 |
The Measurement quality of social support survey measurement instruments |
Hlebec, Valentina
; Kogovsek, Tina
; Coenders, Germà
12 maig 2011 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
1 juny 2018 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
5 juny 2018 |
Measuring Subcompositional Incoherence |
Greenacre, Michael J.
Methods to investigate the geochemistry of groundwaters with values for nitrogen compounds below the detection limit |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Nisi, Barbara
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
juny 2014 |
Methods to investigate the geochemistry of groundwaters with values for nitrogen compounds below the detection limit |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Nisi, Barbara
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
11 maig 2011 |
Modelling Cohort Seasonal Mortality Effects in a Compositional Framework |
Oeppen, Jim
Modelling Cohort Seasonal Mortality Effects in a Compositional Framework |
Oeppen, Jim
Modelling Cohort Seasonal Mortality Effects in a Compositional Framework |
Oeppen, Jim
1 juny 2018 |
Modelling Cohort Seasonal Mortality Effects in a Compositional Framework |
5 juny 2018 |
Modelling Cohort Seasonal Mortality Effects in a Compositional Framework |
Oeppen, Jim
Modelling of weather parameters to predict russet on ‘Golden Delicious’ apple |
Barceló i Vidal, Carles
; Bonany, J.
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Carbó, J.
2013 |
Modelling of weather parameters to predict russet on ‘Golden Delicious’ apple |
Barceló i Vidal, Carles
; Bonany, J.
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Carbó, J.
16 octubre 2003 |
Monitoring procedures in environmental geochemistry and compositional data analysis theory |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
; Nisi, Barbara
; Minissale, Angelo
; Tassi, Franco
Monitoring procedures in environmental geochemistry and compositional data analysis theory |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
; Nisi, Barbara
; Minissale, Angelo
; Tassi, Franco
11 maig 2011 |
Morphometrics and Compositional Classes. The Stuy of Anthropomorphic Sculptures from Teotihuacan (México) |
Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume
; Vilallonga Gordaliza, A.
Morphometrics and Compositional Classes. The Stuy of Anthropomorphic Sculptures from Teotihuacan (México) |
Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume
; Vilallonga Gordaliza, A.